Release successfully 3 sea turtles to Phan Thiet bay area – Binh Thuan province

On the 26th June 2024, Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with Binh Thuan Provincial Department of Fisheries releases successfully three (03) sea turtles include 2 Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and 1 Common green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) with a total weight of 41,2 kg, in the sea of Phan Thiet bay area, Binh Thuan province. [...]

Successfully released 23 endangered wildlife to the forest

On October 17, 2023,Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with the police of Hoa Thanh town, Tay Ninh province release twenty three endangered wildlife to Lo Go - Xa Mat National Park in Tay Ninh province. Includes nine King Cobras (Ophiophagus Hannah), two Sunda Pangolins (Manis javanica), one Bengal Monitor (Varanus bengalensis), ten Yellow- headed [...]

Ta Dung National Park – A house for primates

On September 27, 2023 Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with Binh Duong Forest Protection Department release five (05) Yellow-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae) at Ta Dung National Par in Dak Nong Province. The Yellow-cheeked gibbon is one of 25 rare primate species in Vietnam, under the protection of IB Decree: 84/2021/ND-CP dated 22nd September, 2021 [...]


Dated 13th April 2023- this morning, 11 individuals of endangered wildlife were successfully released to the Dong Nai Cultrue and Nature Reserve, Dong Nai province by Wildlife At Risk(WAR) in cooperation with Binh Duong Provincial Forest Protection Department and Forest Protection Department of Tan Uyen – Phu Giao District. These wildlife that weighted over 117 […]


Today, on November 1st, 2022, WAR collaborated with Binh Duong Forest Protection Department to successfully release 27 wild species including 5 Southern pig-tailed Macaques (Macaca ironina), 2 Common Long-tailed Macaques (Macaca fascicularis), 2 Stump-tailed Macaques (Macaca arctoides), 2 Indian Rock Pythons (Python molurus), 3 Giant Asian Pond Turtles (Heosemys grandis), 4 Yellow-headed Temple Turtles (Heosemys […]


In the morning of July 27st, 2022, a rescue team of Wildlife At Risk was quickly mobilized to the field to receive two gibbons after getting the information requiring assistance from the authorities. The two gibbons were fed by an 87-year-old man at his home, in a very cramped cage, located in an alley on [...]

A warm hug in a new normal day

After receiving the news that the Forest Protection Department of Tu Nghia district, Quang Ngai province needed to help take care of a Gray-shanked Douc langur (Pygathrix cinerea) on November 23th,2021. The WAR team prepared and traveled to Quang Ngai province. Within roughly 30 hours, we arrived at the local authorities' office to receive the [...]

Dong Nai Culture and Nature Reserve – A peaceful home of our widlife

July 14th, 2020, five (05) Leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis), three (03) Stump-tailed macaques (Macaca arctoides), one (01) Pig-tailed macaque (Macaca leonina) and a Reticulated python (Malayopython reticulatus) has been released to Dong Nai Culture and Natural Reserve by Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with Binh Duong Provincial Forest Protection Department and Forest Protection Department [...]

Wildlife return “HOME” – U Minh Thuong National Park

On 14th November 2019, three long tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis), one Bengal monitor (Varanus bengalensis nebulosus) and five Malayan box turtle (Cuora amboinensis) with a total weight of 12,7 kg were successfully released to U Minh Thuong National Park, Kien Giang Province by Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with Binh Duong Province Forest Protection […]

Support to release two large king cobras (Ophiophagus hannah) to Dong Nai Cultural Nature Reserve

Wildlife At Risk (WAR) has received a request from An Giang Provincial FPD on relocating two king cobras to the natural environment under the direction of the Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development. WAR has sent two experiences staff on reptile for capturing two individuals at Doi Tuc Dup Tourist Area, Tri Ton District, An […]

Release successfully 5 Sea Turtles to Hon Cau Marine Protected Area – Binh Thuan Province

On the 14th May 2019, Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with The Marine Resources Protection Department of Ho Chi Minh city releases successfully five (05) sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) with a total weight of 26kg, in the sea of Hon Cau Marine Protected Area at Binh Thuan province. The Green sea turtles had been […]

Wildlife return “home” Ta Dung – Dak Nong

On 23th April 2019 – Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with Binh Duong Province Forest Protection Department release three Pig-tailed Macaques (Macaca nemestrina) and four Stump-tailed macaques (Macaca arctoides) Ta Dung National Park, in Đăk Nong Province by. All of the wildlife were cared by WAR’s experienced staff before release. Most of the wildlife […]

Wildlife return “home” – U Minh Thuong

On 17th April 2019 – Three long tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis), two Burnese Pythons (Python molurus) and one Asiatic Cobra (Naja naja) with a total weight of 21,7 kg were successfully released to U Minh Thương National Park, Kien Giang Province by Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with Binh Duong Province Forest Protection Department. […]

Releasing rescued sea turtles Hon Mun – Nha Trang

On the 6th July 2016, Wildlife At Risk cooperates with The Marine Resource Protection and Quality Management Department of Ho Chi Minh city releases successfully two (02) sea turtles, Eretmochelys imbricate, in the sea of Hon Mun Marine Protected Area – Nha Trang  The turtles had been checked by WAR’s Vet and tagged before the […]

Return to the wild environment

 ​O​n Tuesday 23rd  June 2015 , ​nine (09) wildlife of 3 endangered species were released successfully in Tram Chim National Park in Dong Thap province by WAR ​staff​  in cooperation with FPD HCMC officer. Especially, in ​this time of release wildlife, there were ​three​ Small clawed-otter​s​ and ​two​ Leopard ​c​at​s​ ​which had been born at ​rescue ​Station in the captive breeding program for conservation purpose. 

Release 43 endangered wildlife back to the wild

 Dated 4th September 2014 – This morning, 43 individuals of endangered wildlife were successfully released to Dong Nai Culture and Nature Reserve, Dong Nai Province by Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with Ho Chi Minh City Forest Protection Department. These wildlife that weighed over 82 kg total included seven individuals of Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis), four […]

Release more than 400 individuals of wildlife

Ho Chi Minh City, dated 18 April 2014 – Wildlife At Risk (WAR) cooperated with Ho Chi Minh City Forest Protection Department to release over 300 individuals of Red-Collared Dove (Streptopelia tranquebarica), 120 individuals of Tokey Gecko (Gekko gecko), and 13 individuals of Lesser Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna javanica). These wildlife were confiscated by Ho Chi […]

Tagging and releasing rescued sea turtles

 Phu Quoc Island, dated 19 July 2013 – One Hawksbill turtle weighing 9kg and one Green turtle weighing 12 kg were successfully tagged and released back to the Gulf of Thailand despite the storm and thus big waves this morning. In the past six years, WAR have successfully rescued and released more than 25 sea turtles. […]

Fifty four endangered animals found freedom

 Dated 17th May, 2013 – Fifty fourendangered wildlife individuals including39 individuals of Elongated Tortoise (Indotestudo elongata), six Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbons (Nomascus gabriellae), five Common Palm Civets (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) and four Barn Owls (Tyto alba) weresuccessfully released to Bu Gia Map National Park, Binh Phuoc Province by Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with Ho Chi Minh City Forest Protection Department (FPD). All of […]

University students released native fish back to the wild

Ho Chi Minh City, 21st March, 2013 – About 200 individuals of Fighting Fish and Three-lined Rasbora were released to Ben Cat River- a tributary of Sai Gon River in Binh Thanh District. This number adds up to 1500 individuals of native fishes those have been released back to the wild since March 2011 by WAR. These […]

Welcome the Year of the Snake releasing endangered snakes

Dated 22ndFebruary, 2013 – One individual of Monocellate Cobra (Naja kaouthia) and one individual of Radiated Rat Snake (Elaphe radiata) were successfully released back to the forest of Lo Go Xa Mat National Park, Tay Ninh Province. This is the first releasing in the year of the Snake which was conducted by Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in […]

Otter and Civet back to the wild

Ngày 11 tháng 1 năm 2013 – Tổ chức WAR phối hợp với Vườn Quốc gia Cát Tiên thả thành công một cá thể Rái cá vuốt bé (Aonyx cinerea) và một cá thể Cầy vòi hương (Paradoxurus hermaphrodites). Cá thể Rái cá vuốt bé được Kiểm lâm Vườn Quốc gia Cát Tiên cứu hộ từ một […]

More native fishes released to the wild

Ho Chi Minh City, 21 December 2012 – More than 150 individuals of native fishes including Three-lined Rasbora (Rasbora trilineata), Fighting Fish (Betta splendens) and Rasbora (Rasbora paviana) were released to Nhieu Loc Canal at Dien Bien Phu 2 Bridge, Binh Thanh District. Those fishes were bred in the programme titled “Breeding and releasing native fishes […]

Release critical endangered snakes and pythons

11th December, 2012 – Ten individuals of endangered wildlife that weighed totally 57.5 kg including two individuals of King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah), two Reticulated Pythons(Python reticulatus), one Burmese Python (Python molurus), four Endangered Monocellate Cobra (Naja kaouthia) and one adult Small Indian Civet (Viverricala indica) are successfully released to Cat Tien Nation Park by WAR in collaboration with Ho Chi […]

Endangered wild animals successfully released to the Kien Giang Biosphere Reserve

Kiên Giang, 15th November, 2012 –Wildlife At Risk (WAR) works with Phu Quoc National Park staff and the Management Board of Kien Giang Biosphere Reserve to successfully release 62 Taylo’s Bug-eyed Frog (Theloderma stellatum) species. These individuals included 52 froglets (F1), which were captive bred from 10 parent frogs after being fed for two years […]

Successful release of thirty-five endangered wildlife individuals back to the wild

Amongst the 35 released individuals, the two King Cobras that weighed roughly 23.7 kg both were handed over voluntarily to Cu Chi Wildlife Rescue Station (WRS) by Van Duc Pagoda three months ago. The nine Elongated Tortoises that were born at Cu Chi WRS were also released back to the wild. The other species were confiscated from the illegal wildlife […]

Endangered Gibbon returns back to Central Highlands forest

Kon Tum, 11th May 2012 – A male Northern Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbon (Nomascus annamensis) was rescued from Chu Mom Ray National Park in Kon Tum Province in Central Highlands was successfully released back to the forest where he belongs.  Five months ago, Professor Vu Ngoc Thanh – A representative of the Douc Langur Foundation (DLF) found this gibbon captured […]

Critically endangered King Cobras released back to the forest

14th April, 2012 – Two critically endangered King Cobras (Ophiophagus hannah) weighing roughly 30kg were successfully released to Cat Tien National Park by Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with Forest Protection Department of Ho Chi Minh City. One Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensiss) and five Elongated Tortoise (Indotestudo elongata) were also released. The President and other […]

Cooperation to release more than 80 endangered turtles back to the wild

March 2012 – Wildlife At Risk corporates with Cuc Phuong Turtle Rescue Center released 83 individuals of the Elongated Tortoise, Giant Asian Turtle and Asian Box Turtle species to Lo Go Xa Mat National Park, Tay Ninh Province. These endangered turtles were rescued at Cuc Phuong Turtle Rescue Center in the north before transferring to Cu […]

More than 200 native fish released back to the wild

Ho Chi Minh City, 3rd March 2012 – More than 200 native rasbora (Rasbora paviana) and fighting fish (Betta splendens) were released to Cau Do canal, a tributary of the Sai Gon River. This is the fifth time, Wildlife at Risk (WAR) has released native fishes back to the wild, helping repopulate native fish species […]

Riding bicycles and releasing native fishes to the wild

Ho Chi Minh City, 18th December 2011 – Instructed and supported by Wildlife at Risk (WAR), more than 20 members of the C4E (Cycling for Environment) Club rode bicycles to release native fishes to the wild. This activity aims to call for local people to use native fishes for aquariums and to contribute to repopulating this […]

Released twelve “endangered” sea turtles back to the wild successfully

Ho Chi Minh City, 30th June 2011– Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with Ho Chi Minh City Forest Protection Department and Nui Chua National Park, Binh Thuan Province successfully released twelve endangered sea turtles to Bai Ngang beach, Nui Chua National Park. Journalists from Binh Thuan Province and Ho Chi Minh City also joined […]

Releasing native fish to Sai Gon River again

Ho Chi Minh City, 29 June 2011 – Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with Khan Quang Do Magazine have conducted native fish releasing activity to Sai Gon River. Over 100 native fighting fish (Betta imbellis) were released to Ben Cat river, Binh Thanh District, a tributary of Sai Gon River. This activity was carried out […]

Breeding and release native fresh water fish to the wild

Over 100 fresh water fish (Betta sp.) which were bred in the programme “Breeding and release of native fish back to nature” from Wildlife At Risk (WAR) were released into the canal under the Red Bridge (Cau Do), a tributary of the Saigon River. Participated in the releasing activity are more than 20 people including members […]

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Đường dây nóng WAR: 0976.06.76.46

Văn phòng tổ chức WAR: 028 3899 7314

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