Rescue forty-six individuals of wildlife transported illegally

Ho Chi Minh City, 19th July 2011 – Cu Chi Wildlife Rescue Station (CCWRS) of Wildlife At Risk (WAR) received a large number of monitor lizards and turtles. This is the first time WAR has received the biggest individuals since the beginning of 2011.

Thirty-seven of elongated tortoises (Testudo elongata), two orange-headed temple turtles (Heosemys grandis), one yellow-headed temple turtles (Hieremys annandalii) and six bengal monitors (Varanus bengalensis) with the total weight of 51.8 kgs (included 38.1 kgs of turtles and 13.8 kgs of monitors) are the result of a confiscation from an illegal wildlife transport. Currently, this case is being investigated by authorities.

Arcording to Viet Nam Red Book, orange-headed temple turtles are classified as vulnerable (VU), other three species are classified as endangered (EN). These species are being pushed to the brink of extinction in the near future.

Staff from WAR efforts to rescue these forty-six individuals in CCWRS.

Twelve endangered sea turtles successfully rescued

Ho Chi Minh City, 20th June 2011 – Staff from Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with Ho Chi Minh City Fisheries Quality Assurance and Aquatic Resources Protection Department, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Forest Protection Department of Ho Chi Minh City have successfully rescued twelve endangered sea turtles from Suoi Tien Cultural Tourist Park in District 9.

A total of 11 hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) and one green turtle (Chelonia mydas) weighing between 3.8 – 27 kgs were being kept at Suoi Tien on display for the general public. All the worlds seven species are classified as “endangered species” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and protected under the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES). Both hawksbill and green turtles are being pushed towards extinction by the illegal trade of wildlife and are protected under Vietnamese Law.

Representatives from Suoi Tien Cultural Tourist Park were eventually persuaded by local governmental officials to hand the endangered turtles over to WAR staff to be successfully transferred to the Cu Chi Wildlife Rescue Station (CCWRS).

The twelve sea turtles will stay at CCWRS for further rehabilitation, medical evaluation for a short while before they’re released back to the wild. Visit the rescue station soon to see these amazing reptiles and show your support to Vietnams’ endangered wildlife.

WAR wants to remind everyone never buy or consume any wildlife products and report wildlife crimes.

Wildlife At Risk and Government officials save endangered Leopard

Early morning on the 21st November 2008, conservationists from Wildlife At Risk (WAR) and government officials from the Forest Protection Department worked to together to safely transfer an endangered cat from the illegal wildlife trade, an “Asian Leopard” Panthera pardus.

Staff from the Cu Chi Wildlife Rescue Station (CCWRS) traveled 200kms south to the Mekong Delta town of Vinh Long where they were confronted by a 35kg apex predator. The gentleman keeping the leopard boosted that he had bought the cat from a trader in neighboring Cambodia as a cub and brought her over the border 3 years ago.

After several hours the sedated leopard was safely brought to her new home – CCWRS where she remained for almost two years being cared for by dedicated conservationists.

On 31st May 2010, after the successful completion of her brand new home in Cat Tien National Park, Dong Nai Province. She was eventually transferred from CCWRS to a large enclosure, which was specially built for her, roughly 150m2 of semi natural environment complete with climbing frames, concrete tubes and a secure off-limits area.

“Lucy”- new name of the Leopard, will now remain here for her remaining life, she can never be released back to wild due to the fact she has no real natural hunting skills, very little fear of humans and no suitable habitat.

If you want to see Lucy, then please visit Cat Tien ational Park and staff from Wildlife At Risk (WAR) will be happy to show you around their wildlife rescue facility.

WAR urges everyone “Never buy or consume any wildlife products, keep wildlife – WILD”.

Rescue the Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbon

Ho Chi Minh City, 25 March 2011 – Two individuals of the endangered Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbon (Hylobates gabriellae) was successfully rescued from an illegal capture in District 12, by the Mobile Team (HCMC Forest Protection Department) and Wildlife At Risk.

The owner of the two Gibbons which origins from Cambodia, received them 20 years ago as a gift. Since then, the gibbons have been kept in a cramped cage of about six square meters. They were fed mainly with rice, meat and sometimes even beer, while favourite diet of a Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbon includes fruits, young leaves, insect and bird eggs. Due to these improper cares, the two individuals are exhausted with malnutrition and prolonged diarrhea.

“”After being reported, the Mobile team worked with the owner and decided to rescue the two gibbons and handed over them successfully to Cu Chi Wildlife Rescue Station (CCWRS).

According to Mr. Nguyen Thanh Thai – Veterinarian at CCWRS, “These gibbons are the weakest individuals those the Station have ever rescued. It might take a long time for these endangered gibbons to be recovered and rehabilitated for a life in the wild.

Currently, the gibbons are getting better and they are being used to the new and much more comfortable stay at the Station. You can visit and support the two gibbons at Cu Chi Wildlife Resscue Station.

Release sea turtles to Hon Cau Marine Protected Area – Binh Thuan province

On the 3th March 2017, Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with The Marine Resource Protection and Quality Management Department of Ho Chi Minh city releases successfully two (02) sea turtles, Eretmochelys imbricate, in the sea of Hon Cau Marine Protected Area – Binh Thuan province

Tagging before a release

The turtles had been checked by WAR’s Vet and tagged before the release. Despite strong wave in the off shore area of Binh Thuan, turtles still be repatriated and released into the sea. A smile on the face of “wildlife warrior” is a success of saving more wildlife, at least. This work can’t be complete without an enthusiastic support from the Management Board of Hon Cau Marine Protected Area. 

A happy moment of one wildlife warrior

Last year , on July 2016, WAR also released two (02) sea turtles, Eretmochelys imbricate, into  the sea of Hon Mun – Nha Trang  Marine Protected Area – Nha Trang  with supports from the park’s staff.

Goodbye and good luck at Hon Cau Marine Protected Area

Wildlife return “home”

On 13th April 2017 – Four ferret-badger (Melogale personata), four Indo-Chinese Rat snake (Ptyas mucosus), two Asian sunbeam snake (Xenopeltis unicolor) were successfully released to Lo Go Xa Mat National Park, Tay Ninh Province by Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with Binh Duong Province Forest Protection Department. All of the wildlife were cared by WAR’s experienced staff before release.

Most of the wildlife was confiscated from illegal trade by the Forest Protection Department and the Binh Duong  Environmental Police. This cooperation between WAR and  Binh Duong Forest Protection Department has a received great support from a program of conservation biodiversity of WAR and Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources (IEBR) at the Province.  (Photo: WAR/L.X.Lam)

Release 30 birds to nature

On the 7th June 2017, a request to Wildlife At Risk (WAR) from a dedicated temple to tackle donated wild birds. WAR assists to contact the Rescue Centre of U Minh Thuong National Park and nominates veterinarian as well as experienced specialists on rescue to provide technical supports to the Center. Technical activities of  WAR’ supports include, take care the birds, healthcheck, species identification and distribution of the birds. The 30 donated birds fall into species which are living and breeding in wetland area in Mekong delta region.

One of the 13 Asian openbill released at U Minh Thuong National Park

The total released wildlife includes 13 rare Asian openbill (Anastomus oscitans) which is listed as “R level” in the Vietnam Red data Book; 3 Indian Spotted-bill (Anas poecilorhyncha) and 14 Greater coucals (Centropus sinensis). These birds have been exam by a veterinarian and experts from WAR and the park. The experienced specialists also advise to the suitable habitat for release. The peat wetland within the Mekong Delta is an ideally habitat for water-birds to survive and develop, including genus and species of the Ciconiidae family. Addition gene sources of same species to the on-going declined population will contribute positively to diversity of the genetic resources.

An Indian spotted-bill will have chances to forage freely in the wild

Publish the Book of Sea Snakes in Vietnam

Sea snakes, one of wildlife species is being exploited in Vietnam’s sea water. Many species have deadly venom and somel is rare or new record recently the other one

Aug. 2016 Wildlife At Risk incorporated with  Nha Trang Institute of Oceanography published a small book of Sea Snake in Vietnam. Hope this book will help for who considering these species have more necessary information

Join with us in protect and presere of Biodiversity and Wildlide Nature. Say “NO” with illegal Wildlife Animal products

Relocating agresssive male macaques at Tay Ninh Temple

WAR receives a call to help from Forest Protection Department (FPD) of Tay Ninh province on relocating agresssive male macaques those had attack local residents and visitors to the Tay Ninh Temple and release the wildlife back to the other forest

Total of eight (08) individuals pig-tailed macaque and long-tailed macaque were captured and relocated successfully in the last 3 days 26, 27 and 28th of September by WAR staff. These are the leading macaques who had ever bitten to people. This activity is highly appreciated  by local people and the local government.

Publish Sea Education book of Con Dao Island

The book titled “Biển Côn Đảo của em” and “Giáo Dục bảo tổn biển Côn Đảo” that was partly supported by Wildlife At Risk (WAR) was published in July 2016 in Vietnamese.

These books sent to VQD Con Dao now  widely distributed to teachers and pupils ​o​n Con Dao

Điện thoại

Đường dây nóng WAR: 0976.06.76.46

Văn phòng tổ chức WAR: 028 3899 7314

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