Release successfully 3 sea turtles to Phan Thiet bay area – Binh Thuan province

On the 26th June 2024, Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with Binh Thuan Provincial Department of Fisheries releases successfully three (03) sea turtles include 2 Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and 1 Common green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) with a total weight of 41,2 kg, in the sea of Phan Thiet bay area, Binh Thuan province.

Picture 1: The car has just arrived at the seaport

Picture 2: Sea turtles are being brought onto the ship

The Hawksbill Turtles and Common green Turtle had been checked by WAR ’s Vet and tagged before the release. His work could not be complete without an enthusiastic support from the Binh Thuan Provincial Fisheries Sub-Department.

Picture 3: The ship is on the way to the release location

All of these Sea Turtles are received by WAR from Dong Nai Provincial Fisheries Sub-Department, Tien Giang Provincial Fisheries Sub-Department and Binh Thuan Provincial Fisheries Sub-Department at the end of 2023 and the early months of 2024

Picture 4: Sea turtles back to the wild

Good bye and good luck!

Photo: WAR/Truong Dang Tho

Điện thoại

Đường dây nóng WAR: 0976.06.76.46

Văn phòng tổ chức WAR: 028 3899 7314

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