Birds of Phu Quoc, 2007 (English)

Birds of Phu Quoc, 2007 (English)

Rapid Identification Chart – Marine, 2006 (Bilingual)

Illustrated endangered species list: to consider for longterm viability

Field Guide to Bats of Vietnam, 2006 (Vietnamese)

Field Guide to Bats of Vietnam, 2006 (Vietnamese)

Primate Fied Giude

The first edition of the Primate Field Guide was published by Fauna and Flor international (FFI) in the year 2002, with technical support from FZS-EPRC…

Micro-Chipping Procedure, 2005

This booklet was prepared to assist Forest Protection Department (FPD) rangers and managers in planning, implementation and monitoring of planting microchips into bears and other wild animals for long-term managerial purposes. The booklet was divided into four main sections comprising: survey and inventory stage; preparation stage prior to microchip implantation;

Field Guide to Some Frogs and Reptiles of Vietnam

The book “Field Guide to Some Frogs and Reptiles of Vietnam” was written to help readers quickly identify and look up relevant information on a number of reptiles and amphibians is important in Vietnam .

Bear Husbandry Guideline, 2005 (English)

Bear Husbandry Guideline, 2005 (English)

Training on Environmental Education in Vietnam national parks and nature reserves

events.1438672418 575x430 2

For the first time in Vietnam, you can participate in an international quality training on environmental education, especially for staff working in the field of environmental education and conservation education in national parks. and Vietnam nature reserve.

Hon Me Wildlife Rescue Station

Fast facts
Established: 2008
Area: 3 ha
Animals rescued: Moon Bear, Sun Bear, Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbon, Loris, Elongated tortoise, Pangolin, Giant Asian pond turtle, Northern pigtail macaque. 
Partner: The Kien Giang Forest Protection Department, The Kien Giang Union of Friendship Organization (KUFO).
Distance: 300km from Ho Chi Minh City 
Address: Hon Me Hamlet, Tho Son Commune, Hon Dat District, Kien Giang Province, Vietnam.
Telephone: (+84) 773 787 540

Introduction to the Station

The Hon Me Wildlife Rescue Station is a place where endangered animal species are rescued, and tourism is used to help raise awareness about the conservation of nature.
In the initial period of the station, rescuing bears is a priority. With a beautiful landscape, a wide area, model infrastructure and experienced staff, this station guarantees to take care of the bears and rehabilitate them.
Wildlife At Risk and the Kien Giang Forest Protection Department cooperated in the conception of this station. Free The Bears (FTB) worked on construction and was the managing partner during the period of 2008-2010.

Visiting Hon Me Wildlife Rescue Station
You can view and learn about the habitats and the activities of Bears, Gibbons and other wildlife. You can also help prepare the food, clean the dens and enclosures and prepare enrichment toys for Gibbons, Bears and others.

Since The 1st of April 2016, WAR handed over the rescue center to Forest Protection Department (FPD) of Kien Giang province to follow up all activities. Please contact FPD Kien Giang – Mr. Liem at (084) 913 820 572 for further information.

How do you get to the Hon Me Wildlife Rescue Station?
By airplane
You can take the flight from Tan Son Nhat airport to Rach Gia (Rach Soi). The flight takes about 45 minutes.
From the Rach Gia (Rach Soi) airport, take the bus “Thanh An – Rach Gia” to the Rach Gia bus station. Then take bus # 4 to Ha Tien province and get off at Hon Da Town (Tri Ton). Then take a motorbike-taxi to the Kien Giang broadcasting station that is about 15 km away. You will see the Hon Me Wildlife Rescue Station on the left.
It will take you about 1 and a half hours to travel from Rach Gia to the station.

By car
From Ho Chi Minh City, take the Trung Luong Highway, Vam Cong Ferry and National Road No.80 to Rach Gia City.
From Rach Gia City, take National Road No.80, toward Ha Tien City to Hon Dat Town. From Hon Dat town go to the Kien Giang broadcasting station, about 15 km away. You will see the Hon Me Wildlife Rescue Station on the left.
It will take about 6 hours to travel to the station.

By bus
From the Mien Tay Bus station, Ho Chi Minh City, take the bus to the Rach Gia Bus station. Then take bus #4 and get off at Hon Dat District (Tri Ton). Then take a motorbike-taxi to Kien Giang broadcasting station, about 15 km away. You will see the Hon Me Wildlife Rescue Station on the left.

How can you help the Hon Me Wildlife Rescue Station?

  • Some activities you can do to support the Hon Me Wildlife Rescue + Station are as follows:
  • Visit the Hon Me Wildlife Rescue Station
  • Organise fund-raising activities
  • Sponsor food for some animal species in the station
  • Sponsor equipment for the station
  • Volunteer at the station
  • Donations
  • Buy our merchandise to support wildlife.

Cat Tien Bear and Wildcat Rescue Station

Bear Rescue Area
Established: October 2008
Total area: 1 ha
Species: Moon Bear and Sun Bear 
Co-operation: Cat Tien National Park. 
Wildcat Rescue Area
Established: November 2009
Total area: 0.5 ha
Species: Leopard, Leopard cat.  
Co-operation: Cat Tien National Park
Distance: 120 km from Ho Chi Minh City
Address: Bear and Wildcat Rescue Station, Cat Tien National Park, Hamlet 4, Nam Cat Tien Commune, Tan Phu District, Dong Nai, Vietnam. 
Telephone/Fax: (+84) 0613 669 159

Introduction to the Station

The Cat Tien and Wild Cat Rescue Station contains both quarantine and training dens and also a 1ha semi-natural enclosure for our bears. Both species of bears (sun bears and moon bears) along with wildcats are rescued, rehabilitated and released into the semi-natural forest habitat that helps further rehabilitation and help develop their wild instincts.

The rescue station currently houses 35 rescued bears and a 40 kgs Leopard. Our dedicated staff help clean their dens, provide nutritious and balanced diets and also provide basic veterinary care. The keepers also provide daily enrichment activities for all the wildlife to encourage further rehabilitation and stimulate natural behaviours such as active foraging, swimming and even climbing trees.

The wildcat rescue station is also home to a “critically endangered” Asian Leopard that was being kept as a pet illegally by a local family in the Mekong Delta town of Vinh Long. Staff from the Cu Chi Wildlife Rescue Station (CCWRS) and Forest Protection Department (FPD) rescued and transferred to this unique facility where she is enjoying her comfortable natural surroundings.
The project was set up in partnership between Wildlife At Risk (WAR), Free The Bears Fund (FTB) and Cat Tien National Park during the period of 2008 – 2010.

The project is now open to the public and aims to raise awareness, educate and for the public to have the chance to see some Vietnams’ unique wildlife in semi-natural environments.

Visiting the Bear and Wildcat Rescue Station
The Cat Tien Bear and Wild Cat Rescue Station invites all members of the public to observe our rescued and rehabilitated wildlife and learn about the threats facing Vietnams’ wildlife in the 21st century.

Since The 1st of January 2014, WAR handed over the rescue center to Cat Tien National Park to follow up all activities. Please contact Cat Tien National Park – Mr. Cuong at: (84) 973 125 787 for further information.

How do you get to the Cat Tien Bear and Wildcat Rescue Station?
By car
From Ho Chi Minh City, you go along National Road 20 to Tan Phu District (Tai Lai three-way crossroad), turn left to Kilometer No.13 and turn right to Nam Cat Tien Commune.

By bus
1 bus per day leaving at what times – public will be annoyed turning up at Mien Dong at 9am finding the bus had left at 6:30am.

How can you help the Bear and Wildcat Rescue Station?
Some activities you can do to support the station are:

  • Visit the Cat Tien Bear and Wildcat Rescue Station
  • Organise fund-raising activities
  • Sponsor food for the Bears or the Leopard
  • Sponsor equipment for the station
  • Donations
  • Buy our merchandise to support the wildlife

Điện thoại

Đường dây nóng WAR: 0976.06.76.46

Văn phòng tổ chức WAR: 028 3899 7314

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