KienGiang, dated 5thJuly, 2013 – Hon Me Wildlife Rescue Station (WRS) received a female Pygmy Loris(Nycticebus pygmaeus), weighing 150 grams from Can Tho Forest Protection Department (FPD). Wildlife At Risk (WAR) cooperated with Kien Giang FPD to rescue this individual. After almost nine hours travel by car, this Loris had been transferred safely to Hon Me WRS.

Rescued Pygmy LorisArriving Hon Me WRS, the animal was isolated and taken good care for health recovery. In the future, this Loriswill be rehabilitated and be ready for possible releasing back to the wild. Currently, Hon Me WRS are housing five Pygmy Loris. Of which, four were transferred from Cu Chi WRS. This is the first time Hon Me WRS have received this endangered species from an other province. This activity marked initial collaboration of Hon Me WRS and other provinces in the Mekong Delta. Pygmy Loris is one endangered primate that is listed as vulnerable species (VU) in the Vietnam Red Book. Thespecies’ population in the wild has been steady reduced due to habitat loss and illegal hunting for pet. Let’sLoris live in its natural habitats.