Phu Quoc, dated 16 April 2015 – Wildlife At Risk (WAR) and Mango Bay Resort officially openned the photo exhibition entitled “Lucky Wildlife” at 6pm yesterday at Mango Bay Resort. Participated in the opening was roughly 40 people including local leaders, staff and leaders of Phu Quoc Marine Protected Area, Phu Quoc National Park and Mango Bay Resort, tourists and local people. The exhibition will lasts for a month from 15 April to 15 May 2015 at Mango Bay Resort, Ong Lang Beach, Phu Quoc Island.

Over 40 artistic photos of endangered wildlife, luckily rescued by WAR were displayed at the exhibition. Each photo mostly sized 30x45cm includes a story about that endangered wildlife and its fate. All live photos were taken in natural setting. Beside endanered willdife suchs as Asian Leopard, Yellow cheeked Crested Gibbon, Grey-shanked Douc, Moon Bear, Green Peafowl, and Pangolin, the exhibition also includes some endangered wildlife of Phu Quoc Island such as Indochinese Silvered Langur, Pygmy Loris, and Tokay Gecko.
At the opening, the participants were moved with rescuing stories of each wildlife. Every one was happy to know that all the wildlife are now living in its natural habitat or enjoying comfortable lives at WAR’s rescuing facilities. All participants also pledged not to consumme endangered wildlife products.
According to Ms. Do Thi Thanh Huyen – WAR’s Wildlife Education Manager, who is author of 11 displayed photos:”Beside endless passion for wildlife conservation activiies, many WAR staff also have a passion for taking photos of wildlife. We make use of every moment to take live wildlife photos in the hope that every people will see wildlife the way we see and love them the way we love. We hope that visitors will enjoy wildlife’s beauty and will join us to protect wildlife”! In this exhibition, Mr. Nguyen Vu Khoi – WAR’s CEO contributes most photos. He contributes 19 photos to the exhibition.
The photo exhibition was funded by Mango Bay Resort. This is one of many other conservation activities supported by this high profile and nature frienly resort. Entrance is free. Every one can visit the exhibition from 9am to 7pm daily. You are encouraged to purchase displayed photos. All funds will be donatsed to WAR for rescuing endagnered wildlife.
Download the second press release here and more pictures here
Wildlife At Risk (WAR)
202/10 Nguyen Xi, Ward 26, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: 08 3899 7314 Fax: 08 3899 7316
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