Since the beginning of the organization in Vietnam, WAR has welcomed a large number of volunteers to join this program at our conservation facility and/or in the annual biodiversity surveys. Many volunteers return to our site for more contribution to WAR on Biodiversity Conservation.

Wildlife At Risk (WAR) offers international and national volunteers the chance to get involved in all aspects of WAR’s Field works. Your involvement would make a significant contribution to achieving the wildlife conservation goals of Vietnam.

Due to limitation of our work for right persons, who really want to help WAR and do some contribution to our work to save the wildlife, so we only reserve the opportunity to those people and call your voluntary participation and contribution.
Please to click on this link to read more: WAR/VolunteerProgram

Điện thoại

Đường dây nóng WAR: 0976.06.76.46

Văn phòng tổ chức WAR: 028 3899 7314

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