Ho Chi Minh City, dated 13 Nov 2015, Wildlife At Risk (WAR) cooperated with Ho Chi Minh City Forest Protection Department and District 12 Environmental Police to rescue four individuals of Javan Pangolins. The four individuls including two males and two females weighed roughly 13 kg. All of them were either exhausted or in bad conditions. One male and one female were injured at its legs due to snare traps.

Fortunately, the four were seized by District 12 Environmental Police and transfered immediately to Cu Chi Wildlife Rescue Station. Otherwise, the four willdife could have been killed for meat or medicine. The four are now being taken well care by WAR staff.
Panglolin is categorised as Endangered accroding to the Vietnam Red Book. In Vietnam, Pangolins are commonly hunted and killed for meat or medicine. Forest lost is an other reason pushing this species to the brink of extinction.
Do not consume any product from Pangolin to save this endangered wildlife.