Dated 22ndFebruary, 2013 – One individual of Monocellate Cobra (Naja kaouthia) and one individual of Radiated Rat Snake (Elaphe radiata) were successfully released back to the forest of Lo Go Xa Mat National Park, Tay Ninh Province. This is the first releasing in the year of the Snake which was conducted by Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in cooperation with Ho Chi Minh City Forest Protection Department (FPD).

These released snakes were voluntarily handed over to Cu Chi Wildlife Rescue Station (WRS) by Van Duc and Hoang Phap Pagoda, Ho Chi Minh City in September and December last year. The snakes were taken good care and rehabilitated by WAR’s staff at Cu Chi WRS before being released. In Vietnam, the number of snakes in the wild is steadily reduced due to illegal hunting for alcoholic drink, and meat. Habitat destruction is also an important reason that pushes these species to the brink of extinction.

Together with the two snakes, one individual of Burmese Ferret-badger (Melogale personata) and six Bengal monitors (Varanus bengalensis) were also released back to the forest. The Burmese ferret-badger was confiscated by Cu Chi District FPD while the Bengal monitors were confiscated by Binh Phuoc Province FPD. Both species are listed in Vietnam Red Book and need to be protected.By this releasing, WAR hope that people will be more friendly to wildlife, especially the snakes in this year of the Snake.