Ho Chi Minh City, 24th January 2015 – Wildlife At Risk (WAR) and the Youth Cultural House of Ho Chi Minh City successfully launched a photo exhibition entitled “Wild Birds in Mating Season” by photographer Tang A Pau at 3pm today. The photo exhibition shows the beauty and unique characteristics of wild birds in the forest and hoped that it will inspire the audience to take action in the protection of wild birds in Vietnam.

Participating in the opening ceremony were over 70 participants including representatives of local authorities in Ho Chi Minh City, The City Youth Cultural House, public, university students, leader and staff of WAR, representatives of the exhibition’s donors including vnphoto.net forum, Hoang Quan Company, Phu Quang Digital, Khanh Long camera, TIXIAI Ltd., Company, and Edge Image, and media.

Over 130 photos sized of 40X60cm, mostly, featuring Vietnam’s wild birds are being displayed at the exhibition. Each photo includes a short description of the species. The highlight of the exhibition is a collection of Sarus Crane photos. The Sarus Crane is an endangered bird that is catagorised as Vulnerable (VU) in the IUCN Red List. This collection includes outstanding photos which capture peaceful and fairy-tale like moments of the cranes in an artirstic manner. The exhibition also includes photos of other endangered species such as Great Hornbill, Grey-crowned Crocias, Oriental Darter, Siamese Fireback, and Vietnam Greenfinch. The state-of-the-art photography skills, fine taste of art, plus extensive experience help Mr. Tang A Pau to capture unique, vivid, lively and mysterious moments of Vietnam’s wild birds. Although Mr. Tang A Pau is a business man, taking photos of wildlife, especially wild birds, has been an endless passion of his for many years. “I often carry my camera to the forest and patiently wait to see wild birds. Many species have become rare. A few species, those that are commonly traded in Ho Chi Minh City for pets or for lucky releasing, are hard to find in the forest. I hope that every one could see unique and beautiful moments of wild birds like I do. I also expect that every one will take practical action and join me save Vietnam’s endangered birds and wildlife” – Mr. Tang A Pau, the author of the exhibition. The exhibition is opened from 8am to 8pm every day, except for the opening day on 24th Jan 2014 when the exhibition will open from 3pm. Entrance is free and there will be photos for purchase at the exhibition. All funds raised during the exhibition will be donated to the rescue activities of WAR at Cu Chi Wildlife Rescue Station, and for disadvantage children in Ho Chi Minh City.
Download the second press release here and see some wild bird photos of Tang A Pau here.
Wildlife At Risk (WAR)
202/10 Nguyen Xi, Ward 26, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: 08 3899 7314 Fax: 08 3899 7316
Email: info@wildlifeatrisk.org Website: www.wildlifeatrisk.org